Breakthrus are two-minute immersive microbreaks powered by our bodies in motion, available on Microsoft Teams. They’re tunable to what classrooms need in the moment as kids head back to school. Visually led and choreographed by movement practitioners, they’re accessible to users worldwide and students of all ages.
Thousands of education partners, including teachers, students, and their parents, have access to breakthrus for free. Together they stand up to build collective energy for their redesigned school day, a portion of which is often still screen-based.
Soft skills were undone by distance learning. Breakthru reintroduces students to embodied intelligence. More unstructured time, or moving for self-expression, helps kids develop emotional literacy, too. Kids learn through movement that there are multiple intelligences, like spatial and interpersonal, and the potential to build them up over time.
Many nonprofit and educational partners we work with have found utility in Breakthru with children who are on the autism spectrum. For children with ADHD, Breakthru is a tool that makes room for much needed movement in static class days. Breakthru also taps into a movement language to better process emotions. After all, how can we learn embodied intelligence if we’re distanced from emotional literacy?
Kids need to check in with themselves and each other—how they’re feeling, and how they want to feel. Jumpstarting a lifelong healthy movement practice better manages and mitigates risk. That way, students can better negotiate the next rung on their ladder.
According to the World Health Organization, movement arts engagement enhances positive emotions while contributing to stress management and prevention. Adding a restorative habit adds a huge boost in mood and productivity for kids and teens, and stimulates their imagination. Movement is connected to thinking. It also is an antidote to anxiety.
“I'd like to start off with the fact that I am a 10-year-old kid and that I have an eight-hour online school day... I use Breakthru somedays just to get away. you guys have a great relaxing program! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!”
As kids and teens head back to school, classwork and homework often remains screen-based. Educators invite breakthrus into their classroom to remind students to bring their body to their school day. Remote learners still separated from familiar campus activities like recess use them to share moments in motion with each other. Breakthu can be a nudge during homework to remind students of all ages to take healthy breaks. Bite-sized breaks, visually led and choreographed by movement practitioners, are simple for all students to play. The responsive soundscapes and movement sequences are not language-reliant.
“It just gets you active, reminds you, but it makes it fun. And the best part, it’s only two minutes. Two minutes is ideal. It’s something to get the kids moving.”
Noucha, Teacher and School Administrator, LA Unified
For support with Breakthru, or questions,
please contact us at: