2.2M Happy users are taking breaks at 45K+ Organizations

Use breakthru in your everyday...

To get up and move.

Our body is the best piece of technology we own. We rarely bring it our workday. Instead we turn our bodies off. By sitting still, by holding our breath. Out metabolism slows down 90% after 30 minutes of sitting. This isn’t offset by one hour of exercise per day. And… all it takes is five deep breaths, standing up, and a moment in motion, to create energy.

As a playful way to modulate your sense of time, and build new restorative habits.

Track your history over time.

To restore energy and sharpen focus.

Microbreaks help you stay refreshed and focused through the day, boosting your mood in the process.

“It’s beautiful and it’s simple and it’s convenient.”

May, Microsoft

Breakthru is accessible.

Breakthru is an adaptive environment, accessible on both mobile and desktop.

Breakthru has been played by people in 53 countries around the world.

Play it forward.

Breakthru is partnering with schools to get kids in remote learning classrooms moving. Each time you play breakthru, a school gets access to the app for free.

Questions? Tell us how we can help.